Help Your Child Cope With Different Life Experiences
About Play Therapy
As children feel safe in their developing therapeutic relationship with me, they begin to address their most pressing issues through play. In the safe and supportive environment of the playroom, children can discharge tension, anger, sadness, fear, and a host of other feelings, which could be causing symptoms in their daily lives. In the therapeutic playroom, children develop coping skills, confidence, self-esteem, and an ability to verbalize thoughts and feelings. As they take more risks and make positive changes in the playroom setting, children begin to transfer their new skills to the "outside" of home, school, and relationships with family and friends. You will notice the difference!
(For information about Belle’s practice working with adults, couples and teens see
About Counseling
Given the necessary information and support, children and families have the ability to manage their conflicts and challenges. You can help your children become more aware of their strengths and choices, more of accepting themselves and others, and more capable of finding happiness in their lives.
Some children need only a few sessions, while others may require months or even years of therapy to achieve their goals. The length of time children and families spend in therapy is strictly individual and is impacted by many influences including past experiences as well as current outside support.
Please feel free at any time to bring up changes you would like to see in how your child's counseling proceeds. Your input and participation is an essential part of the therapy process. As progress is made, you and your children will feel more able to face life's challenges on your own, with the knowledge that future counseling support is available if desired.
Belle has been a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC)
Since 1994, specializing in the areas of Individual, Marriage and Family counseling, and work with children between the ages of 2-12 in a therapeutic playroom. She received her Play Therapy training at University of North Texas from Dr. Garry Landreth, Ed.D., an internationally recognized leader in working with children. Belle has been a Registered Play Therapist since 1996, a credential which initially required 500 hours of supervised play therapy experience and 150 hours of continuing education in Play Therapy. Since then, at least 18 hours of Play Therapy continuing education every three years has been completed to maintain the RPT credential.
In addition to her counseling background, Belle is a Registered Nurse, with over 30 years of psychiatric experience. Areas of inpatient work have included programs for children, teens, adults, women, chemical dependency, and dissociative disorders.